The use of tree cavities and cliffs by the Military Macaw (Ara militaris)in Salazares Nayarit, Mexico


  • Francisco Alberto Rivera-Ortíz
  • Ken Oyama
  • Carlos L. Villar-Rodríguez
  • Ana M. Contreras-González
  • María del Coro Arizmendi



We recorded a population of Military Macaws in the community of Salazares, Nayarit, Mexico. The observations were made in 2 sites, the Pilas and Mirador del Aguila; both sites have vegetation of tropical semi-deciduous forest with trees of 8–28 m high with a diameter at breast height greater to 40 cm. The objective of this study was to describe the activities of the Military Macaw, as well as the use of the cavities presents at cliff and trees. For 5 years of non-continuous counts, we recorded 43.5 ± 2.6 individual encounters; most records were made in the morning. Reproductive activity was also observed in the tree cavities (n = 1), and in the cliff ones (n = 1). Nine cavities were also recorded that served for roosting. This species record is important because it provides information about the existence of a breeding population in central Nayarit. We suggest working with the community and encourage efforts to make the zone a natural protected area.

Biografía del autor/a

Francisco Alberto Rivera-Ortíz

Laboratorio de Ecológia Genética, Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas.






NOTAS CIENTÍFICAS (cancelada desde 2017)